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Some parts of South Africa have been experiencing serious drought conditions in the last 3 years. (while we were a bit distracted and focussed on other ventures) Some of this may be natural fluctuation, some of it not.As you probably know, we are not buying into the mainstream "global warming" story. On the other hand we are very aware of the reality of large scale weather manipulation efforts, using technologies like HAARP and Chemtrails. Our website is full with references to these, in case you are not yet up to date with that type of info.  Orgonite has a proven track record of neutralising the effects of these hidden technologies.The Karoo is dying With droughts it's a weird thing. Once you know you are really in one, it's almost too late.This is due to the hopeful nature of us humans. We always hope the rain will come in a few days as it's forecasted.Then - when only a few drops have fallen instead of the nice long downpour that's needed, we hope that next week it will be different. But by now the dry savannah of the Karoo is really desiccated and burnt and more and more bare soil exposed.

View of the central Karoo from Lootsberg pass looking South - February 2018 - nice and green

The same panorama January 2019 - burnt and dry

Animals are dying, whole heards are collapsing and farmers committing suocide because of millions in losses Last year we did a limited intervention to stop the horrible drought that was affecting Cape Town (remember the town, an international metropolis of several million inhabitants was predicted to run out of water last year which became a major news item internationally.Our intervention was quite successful as you can read here. Even now, the coastal areas are looking quite green even though we are hearing that rainfall is still below average.Of course I started wondering how such a major drought can develop when we did intact criss-cross the interior with gifting trails of thousands of tower busters over the years.But then I realised: There are no cloud busters in the interior with very small exceptions.While it is impossible to say what is the range limit of a cloud buster, (many factors determine how far the positive influence of a CB can be felt)  we feel comfortable when the distance between CBs is not more than 100km. That is of course an ideal and we often have to be content with a much thinner cover due to financial limitations.When we placed 5 CBs in Namibia and gifted about 2000 tower busters along the major highways, that was enough to unleash the biggest rainfalls ever recorded in Namibia since the inception of a meteorological record some time in the 1880s...

Our gifting record in Africa: The interior seems quite well covered. The blue dots are towerbusters or other small Orgone generators.

However, once you look at the distribution of cloud busters, the interior is pretty empty.Interestingly where you see the higher density of CBs is also where we are getting better rainfalls. Go Big Or Go Home It is always hard to predict how much Orgonite will be sufficient to reverse a condition like this. I have found over the years that if and when you keep gifting persistently, eventually a tipping point is reached. Always. Sometime we get an intuitive flash or are just plain lucky and hit a sweet spot early on. Sometimes it is really just one strategic spot where the energy needs to be changed in order to unlock the whole system.But one thing is clear: You have to think beyond your own garden walls. Think regional, think nationwide. 

These are possible locations for Cloudbusters in the interior, totalling 35. Most likely we would already be able to "tilt the scale" with about 10 and lots of additional tower busters, but this would be my ideal vision for making the Karoo drought proof.How can you help? 1. Sponsorship We have created a "sponsorship product" called "A CB for Africa" and "A TB for Africa".What this means is that you buy the CB or any number of TBs and we place it in he crisis zone wherever we consider it to be most effective.Any profit from these sales will be applied towards the considerable travel costs in what may clearly amount to several expeditions over the year. 2. Buy a CB and/or other orgonite if you live in the affected area. If you are affected by the drought, the best way to fight it is getting a CB on your property. If you are farming, we also advise to use at least 20 TBs around your farm. Put them around the perimeter, into dams and other strategic places. We are happy to advise. I cannot promise you that one isolated CB on your farm will end the drought, because the weather works in much larger systems. However, if we get anywhere near the saturation and spread that I have sketched out above, it will be successful. A great combo that will save you a lot of money is the "massive orgone starter kit". 3. Host a CB If you cannot afford to contribute, but are open to the idea, we may be able to place a sponsored Cloudbuster at your place. Contact me if you ate interested. It doesn't matter if you are exactly where you are within that area. We will look at every location in the Karoo and on the West Coast North of Langebaan. Please contact me if you are interested. I have personally linked my fate to that of the Karoo by opening GEORG restaurant in Aberdeen near Graaff Reinet in the Central Karoo. So when the Karoo suffers, it affects me personally because my prosperity is now depending on the prosperity of the communities around me. Let's make some rain!

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