Lekker reën after orgonite gifting in the Karoo
I have to use the Afrikaans term "lekker reën" instead of "awesome rain" because it's the Boer farmer who is keeping this space alive, farming these sparse and desolate lands that so often stun us with their beauty. So, Afrikaans is absolutley the lingua franca in this region, English is spoken with a heavy tongue if at all.
So just after our trip ended, I saw the joy erupting among the farming community who have been suffering so much hardship (together with the other communities who heavily depend on the economy created by the farmers for survival)
The drought conditions have now been going on for some 3 years. Of course a drought is a relative term in a semi desert, but at least normally the average rainfall in that region is 2-300mm yearly which sustains the grazing for sheep and catttle along with the various wild animals such as Kudu, Springbok and the like..
Below are some snapshots from various Facebook groups dealing with rainfall in South Africa.

Rain near Victoria West

Rain near Loxton

Rain in Vanwyksvlei

Rain near Calvinia

Rain in the Karoo National Park

Desert greening Somerset East
Sceptics beware!
We still get those occasionally on our website and if you are one of them, you might say something like "these are just some random pictures of rain happening in random places"..
Not so, dear Sir/Madam!
The map below shows the locations of these pictures in relation to our expedition:

Orgonite rocks!