The Web of Light
De Georg Ritschl
What if the universe was even more exciting and inspiring than we thought? Metaphysics is the best physics Mechanistic science works on a certain level, but like the Russian dolls,...
De Georg Ritschl
What if the universe was even more exciting and inspiring than we thought? Metaphysics is the best physics Mechanistic science works on a certain level, but like the Russian dolls,...
De Georg Ritschl
Was wäre, wenn das Universum noch viel aufregender und inspirierender wäre als woir dachten? Metaphysik ist die beste Physik Die mechanistische Wissenschaft funktioniert auf einer bestimmten Ebene, aber wie die...
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De Georg Ritschl
How would you even spot a real supervillain? It's not like they'll dress up in a costume and have a German accen like the movies, is it? For many years...
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De Georg Ritschl
All over the world we are being bombarded with alarming news regarding ever new alleged heat records. The planet seems on fire if we follow the narrative, but is this...
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De Georg Ritschl
In a crazy twist of meaning, freedom lovers are now called "fascists" by some, when the true meaning of that word is actually the merger of state and corporate power.And isn't...
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De Georg Ritschl
The spiritual application of orgonite is just as important as the "technical" one, the neutralisation of DOR caused by hard electromagnetic radiation. Just now, when the battle between us humans and our...
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De Friederike Ritschl
"The night is always darkest before dawn" is an old saying that holds so much truth. Another analogy is a battle where the cordite smoke and the general noise can...
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De Georg Ritschl
This post is going to be controversial with all the censorship going on around CV19 and vaccines. Who would have thought that we would ever have to duck and dive...
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De Georg Ritschl
From time to time it is good to reflect on the origins of the orgonite movement. It really started as a counterinsurgence against the tyrannical "New World Order".
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De Georg Ritschl
Please put me in any environment where 100% of people are infected with this virus and I will not be the least afraid. I'd be taking lot's of vitamin C...
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De Georg Ritschl
The science of CO2 causing global warming is complete BS. CO2 is good for us, it's good for the plants. Every greenhouse gardener in the Netherlands pumps CO2 into their...
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