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Because our draw down on ammunition had been considerable and we also overestimated the initial number of TBs we had brought, (it was closer to 750 than 1000) we had to make halt in Windhoek in order to produce some additional ammo.

Ingo and Bärbel offered us their garage and Bärbel participated in the happy pouring party with gusto. We bought 2 x 25kg resin, 6 muffin pans and a bag full of aluminium shavings. For crystals we used simple breakage of milky to opaque quartz that we had previously collected in the field.

Bärbel at the pouring party

Arjen in Action

For both (Ingo joined us later) it was a good inspiration and a demonstration of how easy mass production really is.

The muffin pans and the leftover resin were kept by them for future projects.

Day 19 (13.10)

Next Station "Brukkaros Crater"

Now we were on our way south. The main artery of the country in terms of traffic is the B1 from Windhoek to Keetmanshoop. We had one CB left that was originally destined for Lüderitz. Since we had already exceeded all estimates regarding distances and costs and further Lüderitz had already been hit from the air, we asked the Pendulum (Bärbel's one hand dowsing rod that she's using souvereignly in this case) if we could skip Lüderitz auslassen and put the CB near Mt. Brukkaros instead. Firederike had found this imploded volcano in an official travel guide and intuitively identified it as an energy point of sorts.

Chemtrails at southern periphery of Windhoek

Chemtrails further on in dissolution already

more dissolved Chemtrails

Now already transforming into lively lose clouds

On our way we paid a visit to the North Korean stalinist inspired monument with which Sam Nujoma wants to celebrate his "liberation war". In reality the process took place mostly on the negotiating table.

Sam's heroes' needle

Korean-Stalinist Heroes' Kitsch

Also a somewhat dominant transmitting array towering over the southern exit from the city had to be neutralised on the way. It was somehow locked away in a gated and fenced private housing estate.

Obviously they must be government guest houses or those of very wealthy individuals, because the quite expensively built houses are embedded in almost untouched wilderness of great scenic beauty. Luckily the security guard at the gate let us pass without too many questions.

The biggest mountain top deathray transmitter does not escape unbusted...


More chemsoup

Sylph or soul snatcher?

Sunset over Namaland

Day 20 (14.10)

From Mt. Brukkaros to the border

Solomon with the CB

Miss Bitchi stood up well for all 11,400 km

The interior of the crater

Cloud armada moving in

We were the only guests at the camp ground and the tent was almost blown away by the wind. In the morning I presented the CB to Solomon, who had accompanied us from the little town of Berseba in order to open up the communal camp ground for us.

He accepted the CB as a gift to the whole community without too much doubt or questions.

We hiked into the centre of the crater and when we came back after some 2 hours, an impressive armada of very healthy cumulus cloud had already moved in from the north.

Day 21 (15.10)

From the border via Alexander Bay to Springbok

Alexander Bay a small diamond mining town under full security surveillance, that belongs to the state owned company Alexkor. It is situated in the north-west corner of South Africa and forms the only access to the Namibia mining town of Oranjemund. Oranjemund can only be visited with special permit. even in order to visit Alexander bay we had to register and ID ourselves and expect to be searched on exit.

Since we had not treated the Sperrgebiet between Lüderitz and Oranjemund from the air, I wanted to at least bust the mouth of the Orange River thoroughly so that the (already mentioned) Benguela current would bring charged water to the coast of the Sperrgebiet.

View of Orange River mouth

Coast and derelict Mine buildings at Alexander Bay

Coastal road to Alexander Bay

Cloud sequence: Dissolution of Chemtrails

4th week

Day 22 (16.10)

From Springbok to Upington

In Springbok we found to our great amazement a "Masonic Hotel". The Lady at the reception only laughed when I asked if it’s operated by the masons.

Obviously history then. But following the principle „Safe is Safe“ we did hide a TB near the entrance.

"Masonic Hotel" in Springbok

Transmitting Towers on Gamsberg

One etheric stick hand grenade I had kept for Augrabies Falls. They are rather a series of rapids and smaller falls. In summer, when the Orange River carries more water, the main fall is very impressive though. There, in a cavity washed out over millennia by the plunging waters, it is said that an othewise extinct species of catfish live, devouring every living thing that is unlucky enough to be washed down the falls. Nobody has ever seen these fish, but allegedly they habe been identified on sonar. dem Echolot geortet worden sein.

That’s exactly where the orgonite went.

Augrabies Falls

Day 23 (17.10)

From Upington to Johannesburg

On our last day we spotted a military radar installation near Olifantshoek. We were only able to treat it preliminariily with an HHG at 2-3 km distance, since we took the wrong gravel road and getting closer would have been another 100km detour on gravel.

Radar station north of Olifantshoek

Our Ammo was finished shortly after Kuruman and it was anyways clear that we’d have to re-visit this region soon in a seperate Expedition including Kimberley, the Capital of the Northern Cape.

Lenticular cloud/p>

Rain clouds near Kuruman

In the end we had done 11,400 km on roads of various description and some 900km by air, which was quite tiring for 3 weeks, given the road conditions and regular detours for distant mountain top arrays, accessible only on arduous 4x4 tracks. A week later I am still completely exhausted and tired.


Überblick aller auf der Expedition plazierten Orgonitgaben

Map of all Orgonite gifts placed during the Expedition

As our expedition took place at the end of the regular dry season, we didn’t see a drop of rain during all the more than 3 weeks in Namibia. (only in Upington on our last day)

So I was very delighted, when Bärbel told me on the Monday after the Trip that Windhoek had gotten 40mm of rain and that the rains were countrywide. She said the rain was untypically abundant for the time of year and very positive for the vegetation as it came down in a slow drizzle rather than violent thunderstorms as often is the case in Namibia.

The 2 maps below are from the website of the US-Navy weather service and show the distribution of rain in the last week and the last 24 hours. (from time of writing)

Accumulated rainfall in the week up to 21 October

Rainfall of the last 24 hours (23. Oct, 12.00 Uhr GMT)

The map above is especially telling, as - contrary to the week before - rain can be seen in the coastal desert zone as well.

Southern Africa orgonisation state

The total picture of Southern Africa is still showing frightening gaps in orgonisation. But something has been achieved in 2 years. I hope it will be impossible for the other side to stage all-out “El Nino” drought scenarios (I prefer to call them “El HAARPo” anyways) now.

The true picture is a bit better than shown here as some areas such as parts of Kwa Zulu Natal and Botswana have been busted by others.

Georg Ritschl

Oktober 2004

Update 17 November 2004:

Just got email from our friends in Walvis Bay. Even there, in that harbour town amidst the Namib desert it's raining and that holds for the whole country. Only G. from Gobabis reports it's raining everywhere else, only not over his cloudbuster.. Strange that. I said to him it may be that the universe is punishing him a bit for his antagonistic view of his black fellow Namibians. We shall see, in that respect the last word is surely not spoken yet. Otherwise it looks like a full success. Georg

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