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Tine's wellness program

Tina van der Maas has been the driving force behind former South African health minister Dr. Manto Thshabalala Msimang's lemon, olive, garlic, ginger and beetroot programme.This has been belittled and vilified by a chorus of either totally uninformed or malicious members of the press and of course the paid sycophants of the petrochemical pharmaceutical cartell, the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC).Fact is: It works wonders.I invite you to watch Tina's documentary about her work with AIDS patients in rural Kwa Zulu Natal. This is really mindblowing and deeply touching. Tina has achieved total recovery of more than 90% of those cases deemed terminal, meaning people who could not even feed a spoon to their mouth. In cases of "full blown AIDS" where people are just slightly sick and still walk about on their own 2 legs her recovery rate is 99%, fully documented in over 400 cases. This is in stark contrast to the poor patients who for lack of unbiased information follow the Antiretroviral programme as advocated by the medical establishment. 18% of them are dead after 6 month The thicket of lies is just so dense, it's unbelievable.Read my blogposts on Tina to get a better idea of who she is and what she stands for:

  • A real hero - Tina van der Maas
  • Five amazing health breakthroughs, five outrageous persecutions
  • Another story of healing by Tina v/d Maas

Since the programme flushes the body of toxins and restores health it has also shown great promise with cancer, diabetes and many other systemic diseases.It is easy to follow and not expensive.It is an ideal complementary programme to use with zapping and Tina uses our zappers now on all the people she advises and monitors. Cutting out the sugar and starch foods together with the extreme immune boost you get from following this programme, you get rid of your chronic candida

The following has been compiled by Tine v/d Maas herself for your perusal:


This basic Wellness Program can be used when suffering from any (chronic) disease as it detoxifies the body and restores the biochemistry of the body, so the body has the tools to repair itself. It can also be used to maintain health and well being.Key to the Wellness Program is the lemon and olive oil mixture, which detoxifies the body, assists the liver to function properly, and helps to get the ph of the body back to normal in the shortest of time. People who are not well have usually an acid body, which means the ph of the urine is below 7. For optimal health a healthy person’s ph should be between 7.1 and 7.3. When you have cancer, your ph should be 7.5 or above, as than any cancer stops growing, which gives you time to get rid of the cancer. You can buy urine strips to test your urine yourself in SA at Dischem or any good pharmacy.

To make 1 portion of the lemon / olive oil mixture:

1. Soak the lemon for about 10 minutes in water with some vinegar added 2. Cut the lemon in pieces and put it in the blender 3. Add 1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive oil and 1 cup of water 4. Blend 5. If you do not have a blender, soak the lemon as above, grate the lemon and put it in a container, and add the water and the Extra Virgin Olive oil 6. So you are using the WHOLE lemon, the peel, the white, the flesh, the juice and the pips!When you are sick, you drink 3 portions per day – which means 3 lemons, 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 3 cups of water till you are completely symptom free. You can make for 5 days at a time – which means 15 lemons, 15 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 15 cups of water. Keep the mixture in the fridge Following are the other ingredients you need to take or what to avoid:
Garlic 3 Tablespoons per day: 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, 1 in the evening
Ginger As above
Beetroot 2 large beets or 4 small beets
Brazil nuts Eat 2 per day at least, more if you are sick
Pumpkin seeds At least 1 tablespoon per day
Lemon / olive oil mixture 3 portions per day: 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, 1 in the evening
Multivitamin In SA, a good one to use is the multivitamin from Bioharmony available at Dischem, Clicks and Health shops. In the rest of the world, Dr Mercola (USA), Jon Barron (USA), Patrick Holfordt (UK) and Solgar produce good supplements. Take twice the recommended dosage when very sick
Fruit and vegetables As much as you want, especially what is in season in your country
Eggs When ph is in the normal range, 1 soft boiled egg per day
Chicken or fish Only when your ph is in the normal range, or if you have cancer, when your ph is above 7.5
Exercise, fresh air and sunshine Do some fun exercise like dancing or brisk walking at least 4x per week. Keep your windows open, even at night when it is cold. Spend at least ½ hour per day in the sun. If living in a climate where the sun “disappears” during winter, take at 1 tablespoon of Codliver oil per day
Water 2 liters of water per day. For people with arthritis this is very important. As the acid leaves the joints, you don’t want this acid to form kidney stones
Tea Herbal teas like Green tea or Rooibos tea
Brown rice Only once ph is right


Beverages No “normal” tea, no coffee (instant or bean), no alcohol, no juices (even the “natural” ones or the no sugar added ones), no frizzy or gassy drinks, no diet drinks, no milk or yoghurt
Starches No sugar, no refined foods, no bread, no wheat products, no pasta, no flour, no potatoes, obviously no cakes etc., no diet products
Other food No red meat till you are healthy, and then eat occasionally “green” meat (from cattle raised organically). Stay away from all processed meats including sausages, and also meat from pork like bacon and ham
Artificial sweeteners Do not use any of these. They were designed to kill ants, so if you want to get rid of your ants in your garden or house, just sprinkle artificial sweetener powder and the ants will die
Fried Food Heating oil and frying food make the food and the oil toxic. Avoid especially when sick

This Basic Wellness Program works for most chronic diseases like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Arthritis, AIDS, Asthma, Epilepsy, stomach ulcers etc. It also helps you to loose weight easily, or in the case of AIDS and some cancer patients to pick up the weight – whatever is needed.

Some diseases need extra things either to do or to take:

Diabetes If you really crave sugar, add Chromium (which is a supplement) for a month or so
Epilepsy Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of Hemp oil to your lemon / olive oil mixture every day
Arthritis Do not forget to drink your 2 liters of water per day
Asthma Take extra ginger when you feel short of breath. It works as an anti-inflammatory! Do the following breathing exercise a couple of times per day: Breath out, till all is out (bending even over). Breath in on the count of 8, hold your breath for the count of 8, and breath out again, bending over. Singing songs where you have to use up your air is also a good way to do this exercise
You NEVER stop your medication on your own – this is dangerous and stupid. Have yourself monitored every week by a doctor (or a registered nurse who is allowed to adjust your medication) for insulin, high blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication. You will need less medication as you stay on the program till all medication may be stopped. You can reduce medication like painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs yourself, but for example cortisone or steroids (often prescribed for arthritis and asthma are drugs you have to be weaned of, depending how long you have been on it. Although you will not need your asthma pump anymore, keep it with you till you know for sure you will not need it anymore. Don’t just throw it out when you have not used it for a week or two.Once you are well, you can reduce everything to twice per day. Keep on monitoring your ph so it stays in the normal range, and than you can reduce everything to once per day. You will notice that when for example you have eaten many things you should normally avoid, like cakes, puddings and meat, your ph may drop and you may feel sluggish the next day. Just for one or two days take again 3 portions of everything, so you can get all the junk quickly out of your body. Do not see this as a diet but a lifestyle change. The saying “You are what you eat” is so true. You eat junk, you become diseased!Many people develop shingles when they are sick. To get rid of the pain shingles (herpes) or chickenpox cause mix the following: 1 Tablespoon of Aquas cream, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 Disprin or Asprin. If the area is big, mix more accordingly. Apply thickly on the affected area with cotton wool (never touch oozing blisters with your bare hands) and only put clothes back on when it has been absorbed. Wear cotton clothes as synthetic material can irritate the skin. Apply again 4 hours later, and again the next day. With chickenpox apply as needed for a couple of days. The pain is usually gone within a couple of hours. When you had shingles and the blisters have disappeared, but the pain is still there, the cream mixture will take a bit longer to work – usually about 24 hours. Avoid peanuts or peanut butter as they can trigger shingles. Go on the Wellness Program as above. The reason you got shingles is because your body is taking strain, just like you can get fever blisters when you have the flu or a cold. The Wellness program will bring your body back to balance.When you have eaten something that makes you feel nauseas, or causes you to vomit or have diarrhea just take 2 tablespoons of activated charcoal every 2 hours till it has stopped. You can also grind some burned wood or plain charcoal into a powder and take that.We advise on many other diseases like Lupus, cancers, autism, strokes, heart, emphysema, etc. The basic Wellness Program is than still used but with other things added. You can e-mail me to find out what to add. If there is a big demand for this information, we may also put this on the website.You can watch our DVD we have made of patients recovering from various diseases over a period of time on You can contact me at tinevandermaas@gmail.comMay the Spirit that is Love be with you and protect youTine
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